Thursday, October 9, 2008

OLD 2: 2008-7-23

Dear Investors,

With reference to the attached article, the sovereign fund of China had not made major investments on items/projects like overseas raw materials, energy, and other strategic materials but really on foreign financial institutions. If that is the case, it means both the strategic insight and execution ability of China sovereign fund are weak and ruthless.

In addition, according to the TV program I watched in China, the sales of household appliances are decreasing of this month are decreased by more than 10% than last month, including air conditioners! In other words, suffering from inflation, burst of bubbles of both equity and property markets, and the shrink of manufacturing and export business all combine together work largely against the further growth of internal consumption which once analysts had spoken highly of.

On the other side of the world, US still maintained a high mortgage rate, and even reached a record high of 6.40% for both 30year and 1year ARM. America Express interium result was disappointing and indicative of the forecoming collapse of credit market. Both added together will turn the overseas investors to be more risk-adverse than other period. Also, FED thus, facing a risk of credit crunch higher than hyper-inflation, will be "forced" to continue the low-interest policy to prevent from a total collapse.

Since the consumption by consumers in both OECD and China + India + SEAsia will decrease, the demand on raw material will also decrease. With such expectation, raw material price will readjust. The low USD currency rate may offset the loss of part of such decrease; nevertheless, with a forecoming credit crunch the hot money in the market will seek shelter on fixed-yield products. However, it may not be the US T-bills nor other government T-bills. It may be simple deposit on strong currency, credit swap contracts, or partially, gold.

Yet as gold's price is also subjected to market hot money's speculation, gold cannot be a 100% hedge against the depreciating USD. It will maintain on 926 +/- 50 level.

Overall speaking it is time to manage risk rather than seek return. Another wave of readjustment starts.

美元貶值 中國金融政策受挫

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